
  • Wahida Hajrin



Chitosan, nanoparticles, Stirring speed, Syzygium cumini.


Background: Formulation of nanoparticles to solve stability and bioavailability issue have limitation in achieving the good characteristics. The aim of this study was to find out the effect of the stirring speed on the characteristics of Syzygium cumini juice nanoparticles.

Methods: Nanoparticles formulated by chitosan as polimer, Syzygium cumini fruit juice extract, and Sodium TPP as crosslinker then it stirred with stirring speed variation of 500, 1000, and 1500 rpm. The observed parameters were transmittance, entrapment efficiency, particle size and PdI, also zeta potensial.

Results: The highest transmittance was 84,700±0,430 % obtained at 500 rpm (p-value=0,108), the highest entrapment efficiency was 74,014±1,404 % obtained at 1000 rpm (p-value=0,501), the smallest particles size was 56,9±0,9 nm obtained at 1500 rpm (p-value=0,000), and the higher zeta potensial was 37,7±2,8 mV obtained at 1000 rpm (p-value=0,054).

Conclusion: the stirring speed has no effect on transmittance, entrapment efficiency, and zeta potential but does affect the particle size of the Syzygium cumini juice nanoparticles.


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