Pengaruh Ekstrak Buah Bakau terhadap Infiltrasi Sel Radang pada Hati Tikus yang Diberi Diet Tinggi Lemak
mangrove, inflammatory cell, liverAbstract
Liver disorders are health problem that needs serious attention because of its high incidence and the cause of morbidity and mortality with various complications. Liver disorders can be treated by hepatoprotective drugs. One of the plants that is expected to be developed is mangroves. The antioxidant effect possessed by mangroves can be developed as hepatoprotector. This study aims to assess the effect of mangrove fruit extract on the infiltration of inflammatory cells in the livers of rats receiving a high-fat diet. Twenty four male Rattus norvegicus rats were divided into 4 groups, consists of Group 1 was the negative control group which was given a normal diet, Group 2 was the positive control group which received a high fat diet, Group 3 received a high fat diet and Rhizophora sp fruit extract 500 mg/kgBB, and Group 4 received a high-fat diet and Sonneratia alba fruit extract 400 mg/kgBB. The infiltration of inflammatory cells in the liver of rat was examined using hematoxylin eosin staining. The results showed that the average number of inflammatory cells in Group 1 was 13 cells, Group 2 was 63 cells, Group 3 was 16 cells and Group 4 was 20 cells.
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