Formula Optimization and Evaluation of Soap Gel Preparations of Hibiscus Leaf Ethanol Extract


  • Raodatul Istiharoh Universitas Mataram
  • Wahida Hajrin
  • Nisa Isnaeni Hanifa



Carbopol 940, Hibiscus leave, HPMC, Optimization, Soap




Purpose: Soaps currently circulating in the market still use synthetic active substances such as triclosan and triclocarban which have side effects such as irritation of the skin. The development of gel soap preparations containing ethanol extract of hibiscus leaves as the active substance needs to be done. In order to obtain good physical properties in gel soap preparations, an additional gelling agent is needed. The purpose of this study was to determine the concentration of carbopol 940 and Hydroxy Propyl Methyl Cellulose (HPMC) in the optimum formula.

Method: The optimization of the formula was carried out using the simplex lattice design method. The response parameters measured in the evaluation of the soap gel were pH, spreadability, foam height, and foam stability.

Result: The optimization results obtained the optimum formula, which is a combination of 0.25% HPMC and 1.75% carbopol 940. The results of the evaluation of the optimum formula in the experiment obtained the value of pH, dispersion, foam height and foam stability, respectively 4.74; 6.5 cm; 8.5 cm; 88.22%. The preparation of the gel soap is green, has a leaf-like aroma with a homogeneous preparation and the viscosity is included in the non-Newton flow.

Conclusion: The optimum formula for hibiscus leaf extract gel soap can be made with a combination of 0.25% HPMC and 1.75% carbopol 940 in order to obtain a gel soap that meets the physical properties requirements of a good gel soap preparation.


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How to Cite

Istiharoh, R., Wahida Hajrin, & Nisa Isnaeni Hanifa. (2022). Formula Optimization and Evaluation of Soap Gel Preparations of Hibiscus Leaf Ethanol Extract. Jurnal Kedokteran, 11(3), 1073–1078.


