Comparison of HOTEL Score and Rapid Emergency Medicine Score (REMS) in Predicting Mortality of Geriatric Patients in Emergency Department of Saiful Anwar Hospital Malang
geriatric, early warning score, mortalityAbstract
Background: Geriatric patients are elderly patients who have special characteristics, there are presence of degenerative diseases and decreased organ function due to the aging process. Geriatric patients tend to have a poor prognosis for a pathological condition that can lead to death. The Emergency Room as a place for first aid for emergency patients in a hospital must have a scoring system to predict the patient's condition. The scoring is intended to prepare for patient care so that patient mortality due to delays in treatment will be reduced. Prediction of mortality in geriatric patients in the ER can be done using HOTEL or REMS scoring. This study aims to determine the difference in the scoring ability of HOTEL and REMS in predicting mortality of geriatric patients in the emergency department of Saiful Anwar Hospital, Malang. Method: This study uses an observational analytic design based on the results of the Receiver Operating Characteristic analysis by looking at the area under the curve. Results: The sample of this study was geriatric patients in the ER RSSA Malang with a total of 518 patients who met the criteria based on inclusion and exclusion criteria. Conclusion: Based on the results of research at the ER RSSA Malang, the AUC values for HOTEL and REMS were 0.812 and 0.816, respectively. Both scores have a good ability to predict mortality in geriatric patients, but the REMS score has a higher AUC value and is more applicable and easy to use.
Keywords: Geriatric, Early Warning Score, Mortality.
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