Infeksi Multipel Organ Tuberkulosis Ekstrapulmonal pada Anak yang disertai Malnutrisi Tipe Marasmus
Infeksi Multipel Organ Tuberkulosis Ekstrapulmonal pada Anak yang disertai Malnutrisi Tipe Marasmus
Tuberculosis, Extrapulmonary tuberculosa, Pleuritis tuberkulosais, Pericarditis, Pericarditis tuberculosis, Efusi, pericardioctmyAbstract
Mycobacterium tuberculosis infection in organs outside the lungs is a case that occurs quite often, especially in children, one example is TB pleurisy and TB pericarditis which can cause complications in the form of cardiac tamponade, shock and death. Mtb infection in children generally shows non-specific symptoms, and can even show negative bacteriological results. This case will be described regarding Mtb infection in a 16-year-old girl who was clinically diagnosed with pericardial effusion, bilateral pleural effusion, impending cardiac tamponade et causa pericarditis. Malnutrition was also found in this child which could be a risk factor for infection.
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