Laporan Kasus: Postpartum Preeklampsia Berat Impending Eklampsia dengan Hipertensi Koroidopati dan Edema Makula
Preeclampsia, severe preeclampsia, choroidopathy, macular edemaAbstract
Preeclampsia is one of the pregnancy-related issues that contributes to a high maternal mortality rate in Indonesia. Severe preeclampsia occurs when the gestational age is <20 weeks, systolic blood pressure is >160 mmHg, diastolic blood pressure is >110 mmHg, accompanied by organ dysfunction. Preeclampsia may persist after delivery for <12 weeks. Hypertension during pregnancy can affect various organs, including the eyes. Visual impairment due to hypertension is associated with damage to the choroid (choroidopathy) and macula (macular edema). Prompt and appropriate management has a positive impact on recovery. Administration of MgSO4 and antihypertensive medications can prevent seizures and lower blood pressure.
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