Hubungan Karakteristik Umum Pasien Di Ruang Isolasi Covid-19 Dengan Kejadian Depresi Studi Obervasional Analitik tehadap Pasien yang Dirawat di Ruang Isolasi Covid-19 Rumah Sakit Islam Sultan Agung Semarang


  • Sri Rahmani Universitas Islam Sultan Agung



indonesia, english


Background: Covid-19 is an infectious disease caused by the novel coronavirus. This disease can attack mental health and cause depression. Depression is a mood disorder that can occur in many people. Depression is caused by many factors.

Objective: To determine the relationship between the general characteristics and depression of patients in the Covid-19 isolation room and to know the number of depression in patients in the Covid-19 isolation room at the Sultan Agung Islamic Hospital, Semarang.

Methods: This research is an analytic observation with a cross-sectional design. Data collection used medical records. The sampling used is consecutive sampling. The data analysis technique used is the Spearman correlation test.

Results: The number of occurrences of depression is more common in the female with 18 samples, with low education example elementary education with 11 samples, and working as IRT with 12 samples. The data obtained from the analysis using the Spearman correlation test does not show a significant difference between each of the general characteristics and depression of patients in the Covid-19 isolation room as indicated by the p-value for gender characteristics of 0.168, the p-value on educational characteristics of 0.349, and the p-value on job characteristics of 0.367.

Conclusion: From the results of this study, it can be seen that the general characteristics of patients in the Covid-19 isolation room including gender, education, and occupation are not related to the incidence of depression in patients.


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How to Cite

Sri Rahmani. (2022). Hubungan Karakteristik Umum Pasien Di Ruang Isolasi Covid-19 Dengan Kejadian Depresi Studi Obervasional Analitik tehadap Pasien yang Dirawat di Ruang Isolasi Covid-19 Rumah Sakit Islam Sultan Agung Semarang. Jurnal Kedokteran, 11(2), 861–865.


