Analysis of Protective Effects of Forest Honey (Apis dorsata) on Villi Height and Cryptus Depth of Duodenum in Wistar Male Rat Exposed to Aspirin


  • Anisa Ulwi Rahayu Universitas Tanjungpura



antioxidant, aspirin, duodenum, forest honey


Backgound: Peptic ulcer is the main side effect of aspirin usage, which is a drug from the NSAID class. Honey contains flavonoids which has antioxidant properties that is able to prevent and eliminate oxidative damage. Flavonoids can defend villi from damage of duodenal structure.  

Method: This study is conducted as an experimental study with a post test only control group design. The sample is stored biological material in the form of preparations of duodenal histological of rats that have been treated and divided into 5 groups: normal control group (KN), treatment group I (KP1) (aspirin 400mg / kgBB + honey 1.55ml / kgBB), treatment group II (P2) (aspirin 400mg / kgBW + honey 3.1 ml / kgBW), positive control (K +) (sucralfate 4 ml / kgBW), and negative control group (K-) (aspirin 400mg / kgBW). The variables in this study were villi height, crypt depth, and villi: duodenal crypt ratio, observed with 10x magnification of the objective lens. Data were analyzed using ANOVA test and LSD post-hoc test, as well as Kruskal-Wallis test with Mann-Whitney post- hoc test.

Result: 1) The group of rats that were given honey at doses of 1.55 ml/kg, 3.1 ml/kg, and aspirin had higher villi, better crypt, and had a better ratio than the duodenal of rats that were only given aspirin.

Conclusion: The provision of forest honey (Apis dorsata) gave a protective effect to rats duodenum which was exposed to aspirin.


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How to Cite

Rahayu, A. U. (2023). Analysis of Protective Effects of Forest Honey (Apis dorsata) on Villi Height and Cryptus Depth of Duodenum in Wistar Male Rat Exposed to Aspirin. Jurnal Kedokteran, 12(1), 1308–1314.


