Risk Factors Analysis of Thyroid Tumor In Family Cluster in The Coastal Area of West Nusa Tenggara Province
thyroid tumors, risk factors, family claster, coastal areaAbstract
Background: Neoplasia is an uncontrolled growth of new tissue in the body, caused by uncontrolled gene mutations. One of the dominating endocrine neoplasia is thyroid neoplasia. Risk factors for thyroid tumors include age, place of residence, socioeconomics, and iodine intake. This study sampled families at risk of thyroid tumors at 6.1% who lived in the coastal province of West Nusa Tenggara (NTB) with an incidence rate of 0.85 per 100 population.
Methode: This studied is analytics with a cross-sectional studied design. Sample in this studied was using rule of thumb with a total sample of 50 people who fit the inclusion criteria. This research used a google form which contains a series of questionnaires and short interviews. Hypothesis testing using fisher test with probability value (p) <0.05 and logistic regression.
Result: Iodine intake and age have association with the incidence of thyroid tumors, whereas Water Iodine Concentration (WIC) and socioeconomics have no association with p values 0.038, 0.009, 0.126, and 0.129. The most influential risk factor was iodine intake with an OR/exp. B of 243,132,352.0. The probability value of each family member with a risk factors is 59% and not with a risk factors of 0%.
Conclusion: The risk factors that influence the incidence of thyroid tumors in the family cluster in this study are iodine intake and age.
Keywords: Thyroid tumors, risk factors, family cluster, coastal area.
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