Omega-3 Memiliki Banyak Manfaat: Apakah Bisa Melawan Kanker?
Abstract: Cancer is the biggest cause of death in the world, around 10 million deaths are caused by cancer. In 2020, 17 million new cases were recorded, of which 8.5 million people died each year from cancer, while 66% of patients can live up to 5 years after being diagnosed and 40% of patients can live more than 10 years after being diagnosed. Various prevention efforts against risk factors have been carried out. The main modalities of cancer therapy today are surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation with the choice of therapy based on the stage of the cancer. Research shows that giving omega-3 supplementation to patients undergoing chemotherapy is considered very beneficial because omega-3 works synergistically with chemotherapeutic agents and can also be used to increase the radiosensitivity of tumor cells so that it has a good impact on the success of therapy.
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