Outcome of Plate and Screw Fixation in Femoral Shaft Fracture at Sanjiwani General Hospital Gianyar in 2021
Abstract, Introduction, Methods, Result, Discussion, Conclusion
Open reduction internal fixation; Femoral shaft fracture; Complication; Human and medicineAbstract
Background: Femoral shaft fracture that reported the one year mortality rate post trauma is still high around 10-20%and it is a challenged in orthopedics. Surgical therapy in the orthopedic field has been highly developed in the treatment of femoral shaft fractures. Gold standard therapies that have been used for femoral shaft fractures is intramedullary nail but the ORIF PS method is still often used especially in hospitals that have inadequate health facilities by considering several risk factors and complications that can occur during the perioperative.
Methods: This study is a retrosepctive descriptive study that aims to indentify the outcome of plate and screw fixation in femoral shaft fracture at Sanjiwani General Hospital Gianyar in 2021. Medical record, surgical procedure, and outpatient control reports were reviewed to colect pre-, intra-, and postoperative details by identifying data on complications that occur in patients with open and closed femoral shaft fractures who had performed ORIF PS at Sanjiwani General Hospital in January 2021 - December 2021.
Result: Major complication were represented by perioperative bleeding (33%), redisual pain (8%), no complication of implant failure, deep infection, minor infection such as superficial infection and impaired wound healing in this study.
Conclusion: In this study was concluded that the most common femoral shaft fracture complication that performed ORIF PS is perioperative bleeding pain and other complications are very rare due to several factors
Keywords: Open reduction internal fixation; Femoral shaft fracture; Complication; Human and medicine
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