

  • Rian Hidayatullah Nuclear Medicine Resident, Padjadjaran University
  • Hendra Budiawan Department of Nuclear Medicine and Theranostic Molecular, Medical Faculty of Padjadjaran University / Hasan Sadikin General Hospital
  • Budi Darmawan Department of Nuclear Medicine and Theranostic Molecular, Medical Faculty of Padjadjaran University / Hasan Sadikin General Hospital
  • Erwin Affandi Department of Nuclear Medicine and Theranostic Molecular, Medical Faculty of Padjadjaran University / Hasan Sadikin General Hospital


Kata Kunci:

Somatostatin, Somatostatin Analog, SSTR, PRRT


Somatostatin, also known as growth hormone-inhibiting factor (GIF) or somatotropin release-inhibiting factor (SRIF), is a peptide hormone that regulates the endocrine system and affects neurotransmission and cell proliferation. Somatostatin can be regarded as secretory pan-inhibitory,because it can inhibit secretion of almost all endocrine and exocrine glands. Somatostatin has 2 active forms (somatostatin-14 and 28), but the short half-life of the hormone was one of the reasons why the native hormone was not feasible for routine clinical practice. Somatostatin analog was synthesized for the first time in 1980-1982 and proved to be more resistant to degradation and more potent than native hormone. There are five somatostatin receptors (SSTR1-5). The genes encoding human SSTR1-5 are located in chromosome 14q13, 17q24, 22q13.1, 20p11.2 and 16p13.3. SSTR expression pattern and complex signaling make somatostatin be such an extraordinary neurotransmitter and hormone. The potent inhibitory action of SSTR on cellular processes such as secretion, proliferation, and apoptosis is the reason for somatostatin to be the target for therapy development. Radiopharmaceuticals used for therapy consist of three parts: somatostatin analog, chelator, and radionuclide (alpha or beta-emitting). Combinations of different peptides, chelators, and radionuclides have been tested in vitro and/or in vivo for their use in peptide receptor radionuclide therapy (PRRT). These compounds are able to irradiate tumors and their metastases via the internalization through a specific receptor subtype which is generally overexpressed on the cell membrane.

Biografi Penulis

Hendra Budiawan, Department of Nuclear Medicine and Theranostic Molecular, Medical Faculty of Padjadjaran University / Hasan Sadikin General Hospital

Education/Courses :
1988-1995 : Faculty of Medicine, Padjadjaran University, Bandung.
2004-2008 : Department of Nuclear Medicine, Hasan Sadikin Hospital, Padjadjaran University, Bandung.
2009 : Department of Nuclear Medicine, Zentralklinik Bad Berka, Germany
2012-2013 : Department of Nuclear Medicine, Seoul National University Hospital College Of Medicine, Seoul, Korea

Working Experience :
2008-2010 : Department of Nuclear Medicine, Hasan Sadikin Hospital, Padjadjaran University, Bandung
2011-... : Department of Nuclear Medicine, MRCCC-SHS, Jakarta

Karya Ilmiah
Original article :
1. Hendra Budiawan, Basuki Hidayat, A Hussein S Kartamihardja, Johan S Masjhur. The correlation between transient ischemic dilation (TID) ratio with HbA1c value in type diabetes mellitus patients who also present with metabolic syndrome. World J Nucl Med 2009; 8:165-171.
2. Hendra Budiawan, Gi Jeong Cheon, Hyung-Jun Im, Soo Jin Lee, Jin Chul Paeng, Keon Wook Kang, June-Key Chung, Dong Soo Lee. Heterogeneity Analysis of 18F-FDG Uptake in Differentiating Between Metastatic and Inflammatory Lymph Nodes in Adenocarcinoma of the Lung: Comparison with Other Parameters and its Application in a Clinical Setting. Nucl Med Mol Imaging 2013; 47:232–241. doi: 10.1007/s13139-013-0216-6. Epub 2013 Aug 21. PMID: 24900118 [PubMed]
3. Hendra Budiawan, Ali Salavati, Harshad R Kulkarni, Richard P Baum. Peptide receptor radionuclide therapy of treatment-refractory metastatic thyroid cancer using (90)Yttrium and (177)Lutetium labeled somatostatin analogs: toxicity, response and survival analysis. Am J Nucl Med Mol Imaging 2014; 4(1):39-52. eCollection 2013. PMID: 24380044 [PubMed]

Abstract :
1. Hendra Budiawan, Inki Lee, Jee Youn Moon, Gi Jeong Cheon, Yong Chul Kim, Jin Chul Paeng, Keon Wook Kang, June-Key Chung, Dong Soo Lee. The value of bone SPECT/CT to identify causing lesions and guide to pain control in patients with chronic low back pain. J Nucl Med. 2014; 55 (Supplement 1):94.
2. Hendra Budiawan. Role of FDG in primary lesion identification ( a preliminary result). Presented in 4th International Conference on Radiopharmaceutical Therapy 2011 in Conjunction with 10th AGM of Asian Regional Cooperative Council for Nuclear Medicine, Ho Chi Minh City Vietnam, 2011.
3. Hendra Budiawan, Basuki Hidayat, Achmad Hussein S Kartamihardja, Johan S Masjhur, Eko Purnomo. Transient ischemic dilation: Is it due to systolic dysfunction or subendocardial ischemia? World Journal of Nuclear Medicine; v. 6(suppl.1); ISSN 1450-1147; Jul 2007; S82-S83.
4. Achmad Hussein S Kartamihardja, Agus H Rahim, Heda Melinda, Hendra Budiawan, A Sulistiani. Tc-99m-ethambutol imaging for detection of tuberculosis. World J Nucl Med. 2006; 5(Suppl 1):S54.

Budi Darmawan, Department of Nuclear Medicine and Theranostic Molecular, Medical Faculty of Padjadjaran University / Hasan Sadikin General Hospital

Pendidikan :

SD Banjar Sari, Bandung, 1968
SMPN 2, Bandung, 1977
SMAN 1, Bandung, 1979
Fakultas Kedokteran Trisakti, Jakarta, 1980
Spesialis Kedokteran Nuklir, 2007
Program Doktoral Kedokteran Nuklir FK Unpad

Jabatan yang sedang dan pernah dikerjakan :
1. Koordinator Pelayanan di Bagian/UPF Ilmu Kedokteran Nuklir FK Unpad/RSUP Dr. Hasan Sadikin
2. Ketua Program Studi Ilmu Kedokteran Nuklir FK Unpad
3. Sekretaris Umum PB Perhimpunan Kedokteran Nuklir Indonesia
4. Ketua Panitia Pekan Ilmiah Tahunan PKNI-PKBNI 2011
5. Tenaga Dosen Tidak Tetap di Fakultas Kedokteran Unpad
6. Tenaga Dosen Tidak Tetap di Poltekes RS Al Islam Bandung
7. Anggota Pasien Safety di RSUP Dr. Hasan Sadikin
8. Konsultan Kedokteran Nuklir RS Kanker Darmais Jakarta

Pendidikan dan Pelatihan yang telah diikuti Dalam dan Luar Negeri :
1. Seminar Pengenalan Dasar USG Untuk Alumni Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Trisakti, Jakarta, 18 Nopember 2000
2. Pelatihan “Dokter Triase Dalam Penatalaksanaan Penderita Gawat Darurat Terpadu”, 18-25 Juni 2002, RSUP Dr. Hasan Sadikin, Bandung
3. Pekan Ilmiah Dwi Tahunan “Optimasi Pengembangan dan Pelayanan Kedokteran Nuklir Bagi Kesejahteraan Rakyat, 18-19 September 2002, Jakarta
4. Seminar Sehari Penanganan TB Paru, Subang, 4 Oktober 2000
5. Pelatihan Penanggulangan Kebutaan Katarak Terpadu Kabupaten Subang, Subang,
22-24 Juni 2000
6. Seminar Sehari Mata Merah dan Kebutaan, Bandung, 21 April 2001
7. Seminar ISNM-ISNMB and 1st Organizing Committee Meeting of ARCCNM, Jakarta 28-29 September 2003
8. Kursus EKG, Bandung, 15-18 Desember 2003
9. Simposium Sehari Asthenia and It’s Management, Bandung, 22 Maret 2003
10. National Congress of Indonesian Society of Nuclear Medicine and Biology, Jakarta, 10-11 December 2004
11. One Day Seminar Oncology Radiation, Bandung, 14 Agustus 2004
12. Forum Diabetes Nasional III, Bandung, 15-17 Juli 2005
13. Symposium on The Role of Nuclear Medicine in Cerebro-cardiovascular Diseases and Malignancies, Bandung, 26 February 2005
14. The Annual Scientific Meeting 2007 on Anticipation of Upcoming PET Era in Indonesia, Bandung, 3-4 March 2007.
15. Temu Ilmiah International Standards of Tuberculosis Care, 13 Maret 2009, Bandung
16. Symposium : What’s New on cancer Prevention, Detection and Management, Bandung, 9 march 2007
17. Pekan Ilmiah Tahunan Tahun Emas Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Padjadjaran, Bandung, 9-10 Nopember 2007
18. Workshop Bioetika dan Humaniora, 20 Nopember 2008, Bandung
19. Pain Workshop : Recent Advances : New Paradigm in Pain Management, Bandung, 9 Agustus 2008
20. National Congress, The Indonesian Society of Nuclear Medicine VI, The Indonesian of Nuclear Medicine and Biology VIII, Colaboration with The Asian School of Nuclear Medicine, Bandung, 04 December 2008
21. Symposium Multidisciplinary Approach in the Treatment of Glioma, Jakarta, 26 January 2008
22. Simposium Endokrinologi Klinik VII 2009, Bandung, 23-25 January 2009
23. Pelatihan Pelayanan Keselamatan Pasien Rumah Sakit, RSUP Dr. Hasan Sadikin, Bandung, 22-24 April 2009
24. Pelatihan Coaching Radioisotop dalam Farmasi dan Kedoktera, Bandung, 4 Mei – 31 Juli 2009
25. Workshop Penyusunan Pedoman Clinical Pathway, Bandung, 15-16 Mei 2009
26. Pelatihan Penyegaran Proteksi Radiasi dan Keselamatan Kerja, 15-19 Juni 2009, BATAN-Bandung
27. Research Ethics and Good Clinical Practice Training, 10-12 July 2009, Bandung
28. Pendidikan dan Pelatihan Pengelolaan Penderita Gawat Darurat, 23-30 Juli 2009, RSUP Dr. Hasan Sadikin, Bandung
29. Pelatihan Etika dan Hukum Kesehatan, 6-8 Oktober 2009, RSUP Dr. Hasan Sadikin, Bandung
30. Nuclear Cardiology Symposium, 13-14 January 2004, Singapore
31. 8th Asia & Oceania Congress of Nuclear Medicine and Biology, Beijing, 9-13 October 2004
32. Singapore Live 2007, Singapore, 22-23 January 2007
33. SGH Nuclear Medicine Update 2008, 5-9 March 2008, Singapore
34. IAEA/RCA Regional Training Course on Fundamental Clinical Applications of PET, Singapore, 20-24 May 2008
35. 9th Asia Oceania Congress of Nuclear Medicine and Biology, New Delhi, India 31 October – 4 November 2008
36. 9th Congress of the World Federation of Nuclear Medicine and Biology, Seoul Korea, 22-27 October 2009
37. IAEA/RCA Regional Training on Advanced Clinical Applications of PET, Chiba, Japan, 20-24 April 2009
38. IAEA/RCA Regional Training on Advanced Clinical Applications of PET, Australia, Juli 2013
39. IAEA/RCA Regional Training on Advanced Clinical Applications of PET, Seoul Korea, November 2013
40. IAEA/RCA Training QUANUM, Singapore, Desember 2013

1. The Annual Scientific Meeting 2009, The Indonesian Society of Nuclear Medicine, The Indonesian Society of Nuclear Medicine and Biology and The 8th Annual general Meeting of Asian Regional Cooperative Council For Nuclear Medicine, Yogyakarta, 20-21 November 2009 (judul: Non-osseous Uptake in Breast Cancer).
2. National Congress The Indonesian Society of Nuclear Medicine VI The Indonesian Society of Nuclear Medicine and Biology VII Colaboration with The Asian School of Nuclear Medicine Bandung, 4-6 December 2008
3. Symposium Fisika Nuklir Indonesia, Oktober 2009 Judul: Hybrid Imaging
4. 8th Asia & Oceania Congress of Nuclear Medicine and Biology, Beijing, 9-13 October 2004.
5. 9th Congress of the World Federation of Nuclear Medicine and Biology, Seoul Korea, 22-27 October 2009.
6. Pekan Ilmiah Tahunan PKNI/PKBNI, Bandung 3-4 November 2011. judul: Nuklir Tiroidologi.
7. Pekan Ilmiah Tahunan PKNI/PKBNI, Jakarta 11-12 November 2012 Judul: Radioactive Iodine (RAI) in the management of Differentiated Thyroid Carcinoma.

Erwin Affandi, Department of Nuclear Medicine and Theranostic Molecular, Medical Faculty of Padjadjaran University / Hasan Sadikin General Hospital

- Tahun 1978-1984: SDN Pakuwon 2 Sumedang
- Tahun 1984-1987: SMPN 2 Sumedang
- Tahun 1987-1990: SMAN 2 Bandung
- Tahun 1990 – 2002: Sarjana Kedokteran dan Profesi Kedokteran Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Kristen Maranatha, Bandung
- Tahun 2006- 2008: Magister Hukum Kesehatan, Universitas Katolik Soegijapranata, Semarang.
- Tahun 2009 – 2014 : Dokter Spesialis Kedokteran Nuklir, Universitas Padjadjaran, Bandung

Pengalaman Bekerja
- Tahun 2002 – 2003: Dokter Umum Instalasi Gawat Darurat Rumah Sakit Pakuwon Sumedang
- Tahun 2003 – 2006: Menyelesaikan masa bakti PTT di Kabupaten Sumedang
- Tahun 2003 – 2007: Kepala Unit Transfusi Darah PMI Cabang Sumedang.
- Tahun 2006-2009: Dokter Umum di Bagian Pelayanan Medik dan Unit Diabetes Rumah Sakit Pakuwon
- 2012-Sekarang: Staf di Bagian Kedokteran Nuklir, RS. Dr. Hasan Sadikin, Bandung
- Tahun 2005: Pelatihan dan Pengelolaan Gawat Darurat di Rumah Sakit Dr. Hasan Sadikin.
- Tahun 2008: Diabetes Management Course for Primary Care Physician, International Diabetes Federation Curriculum, Indonesia Diabetes Association, Bogor.

- Tahun 2011: RCARO/UNDP Regional Training Course on SPECT/PET Imaging Science and Technology, Seoul, Korea
- Tahun 2015: Workshop on Nuclear Medicine in Pediatric, IAEA, Manila, Philipines
- Tahun 2016: Regional Training Course in Nuclear Cardiology, IAEA, Kuwait City, Kuwait.
Seminar Ilmiah
- November 2009: Seminar dan Workshop : ‘Implementation Cancer Control Programe Accelerating Integrated System in Cancer Treatment’, Rumah Sakit Kanker Dharmais, Jakarta.
- November 2009: The 8th Annual Meeting Asean Regional Cooperative Council of Nuclear Medicine (ARCCNM), Yogyakarta, Indonesia.
- Oktober 2010 : Seminar Hukum Kesehatan, Isu Mutakhir Hukum (UU Pornografi), Bidang Kesehatan (Nuklir) dan Hukum Kesehatan (Rekam Medik), Bandung.
- Tahun 2010: Molecular Imaging, Mochtar Riady Comprehensive Cancer Centre (MRCCC), Jakarta.
- Desember 2010: 9th Annual Meeting of Asean Regional Cooperative Council of Nuclear Medicine and 16th National Conference of Society of Nuclear Medicine Bangladesh, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
- Maret 2011: Nuclear Medicine Update and Radionuclide Therapy, Singapore Pertemuan Ilmiah Tahunan Ilmu Kedokteran Nuklir, Bandung, Indonesia
- Tahun 2012: Pertemuan Ilmiah Tahunan Ilmu Kedokteran Nuklir, RS Kanker Dharmasi, Jakarta, Indonesia
- Tahun 2013: Pertemuan Ilmiah Tahunan Ilmu Kedokteran Nuklir, RS Mochtar Ryadi Comprehensive Cancer Centre, Jakarta, Indonesia
- Tahun 2014: Pertemuan Ilmiah Tahunan Ilmu Kedokteran Nuklir, RS Kariadi, Semarang, Indonesia Annual Meeting of ARCCNM, Osaka, Jepang

- Tahun 2015: Pertemuan Ilmiah Tahunan Ilmu Kedokteran Nuklir, RSUP Dr. Hasan Sadikin, Bandung, Indonesia

Karya Tulis Ilmiah
- Oktober 2008: Bentuk Badan Hukum Perseroan Terbatas bagi Rumah Sakit Swasta, tesis Program Pasca Sarjana, Program Studi Magister Hukum Konsentrasi Hukum Kesehatan, Universitas Katolik Soegijapranata, Semarang.
- 2010: Discordance Between Tc-99m Ethambutol Scintigraphy and Conventional Diagnostic Modalities on Extra Pulmonary Tuberculosis
- 2011: I-131 Therapy for Pediatric Hyperthyroid; A Clinical Experience in Nuclear Medicine Department, Dr. Hasan Sadikin Hospital, Indonesia
- 2013: Perbedaan Penangkapan Tc-99m DTPA pada Mata Aktif dan Tidak Aktif Berdasarkan Clinical Activity Score (CAS)

- Tahun 2002-2009: Pengurus Ikatan Dokter Indonesia (IDI) Cabang Sumedang.
- Tahun 2005-2009: Anggota Persatuan Diabetes Indonesia (Persadia).
- Tahun 2009 – Sekarang: Anggota Ikatan Dokter Indonesia Cabang Bandung
Anggota Perhimpunan Kedokteran dan Biologi Nuklir Indonesia (PKBNI).
- Tahun 2010 – Sekarang: Anggota World Association of Radiopharmaceutical and Molecular Therapy (WARMTH).
- 2013-Sekarang: Anggota Perhimpunan Kedokteran Nuklir Indonesia
- 2016 – sekarang: Anggota American Society of Nuclear Cardiology


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Cara Mengutip

Hidayatullah, R., Budiawan, H., Darmawan, B. ., & Affandi, E. (2021). Somatostatin. Baphomet University : Situs Slot Online Gacor Terbaik Hari Ini Server Thailand Gampang Maxwin 2024, 10(2), 468–479.



Tinjauan Pustaka