Epidural hematoma akut merupakan suatu keadaan yang urgent dan serius. Tata laksana standar berupa diagnosa dini dan pembedahan untuk evakuasi secara cepat. Disisi lain, kasus ini memiliki risiko deteriorisasi yang cepat dan kematian. Hanya sedikit pasien epidural hematoma bersifat asimptomatis yang dapat diterapi konservatif dengan close observation. Kami melaporkan satu kasus epidural hematoma frontalis sinistra traumatik. Kasus ini merupakan kasus jarang yang secara cepat resolusi spontan dari epidural hematom dalam rentang 3 hari. Beberapa variasi mekanisme yang mungkin terjadi sebagai mekanisme resolusi tersebut yang kita dibahas dalam literatur pada terapi epidural hematoma secara konservatif. Indikasi dilakukan operasi boorhole drainase pada pasien ini adalah nyeri kepala yang menetap. Kata Kunci: Resolusi dini, Epidural Hematoma, Boorhole DrainaseReferensi
1. Dolgun, H. et. al. 2011. Rapid resolution ofacute epidural hematoma: case report and review of the literature. Turkish Journal of trauma and Emergency Surgery. Ulus Travma Acil Cerrahi Derg;17 (3):283-285.
2. Wagner A, Freudenstein D, Friese S, Duffner F. 2002. Possible mechanisms for rapid spontaneous resolution of acute epidural hematomas. Klin Neuroradiol;12:45-50.
3. Kang SH, Chung YG, Lee HK. 2005. Rapid disappearance of acute posterior fossa epidural hematoma. Neurol Med Chir (Tokyo) 2005; 45: 462-3.
4. Is M, Can A, Akgul, M.H. 2006. Chronic Supra and Infratentorial Epidural Hematoma. Case Report. Turkish Neurosurgery, Vol: 16, No:4, 212-213
5. Celikoğlu E, Süsülü H, Delatioğlu M, Ceçen A, Hakan T,Bozbuğa M. 2002. Rapid spontaneous resolution of an acute epidural hematoma. Ulus Travma Derg ;8:126-8.
6. Ugarriza LF, Cabezudo JM, FernandezPortales I. 1999. Rapid spontaneous resolution of an acute extradural haematoma:case report. Br J Neurosurg;13:604-5.
7. Pang D, Horton JA, Herron JM, Wilberger JE Jr, Vries JK. 1983. Nonsurgical management of extradural hematomas in children. J Neurosurg ; 59:958-71.
8. Pozzati E, Tognetti F.1984. Spontaneous healing of extradural hematomas: report of four cases. Neurosurgery;14:724-7.
9. Weaver D, Pobereskin L, Jane JA.1981. Spontaneous resolution of epidural hematomas. Report of two cases. J Neurosurg;54:248-51.
10.Aoki N. Rapid resolution of acute epidural hematoma. 1988. Report of two cases. J Neurosurg;68:149-51.
11.Kuroiwa T, Tanabe H, Takatsuka H, Arai M, Sakai N, Nagasawa S, et al. 1993. Rapid spontaneous resolution of acute extradural and subdural hematomas. Case report. J Neurosurg;78:126-8.
12.Akagami R, Cochrane DD. 1999. Does it leak in or does it leak out. Pediatr Neurosurg 1999;30:109-10.
13.Malek AM, Barnett FH, Schwartz MS, Scott RM.1997. Spontaneous rapid resolution of an epidural hematoma associated with an overlying skull fracture and subgaleal hematoma in a 17-month-old child. Pediatr Neurosurg 1997;26:160-5.
14.Servadei F, Staffa G, Pozzati E, Piazza G. 1989. Rapid spontaneous disappearance of an acute extradural hematoma: case report.J Trauma;29:880-2.
15.Sato S, Suzuki J. 1975. Ultrastructural observations of the capsule of chronic subdural hematoma in various clinical stages. J Neurosurg;43: 569-78.
16.Chan KH, Mann KS, Yue CP, Fan YW, Cheung M. 1990. The significance of skull fracture in acute traumatic intracranial hematomas in adolescents: a prospective study. J Neurosurg 1990;72:189-94
2. Wagner A, Freudenstein D, Friese S, Duffner F. 2002. Possible mechanisms for rapid spontaneous resolution of acute epidural hematomas. Klin Neuroradiol;12:45-50.
3. Kang SH, Chung YG, Lee HK. 2005. Rapid disappearance of acute posterior fossa epidural hematoma. Neurol Med Chir (Tokyo) 2005; 45: 462-3.
4. Is M, Can A, Akgul, M.H. 2006. Chronic Supra and Infratentorial Epidural Hematoma. Case Report. Turkish Neurosurgery, Vol: 16, No:4, 212-213
5. Celikoğlu E, Süsülü H, Delatioğlu M, Ceçen A, Hakan T,Bozbuğa M. 2002. Rapid spontaneous resolution of an acute epidural hematoma. Ulus Travma Derg ;8:126-8.
6. Ugarriza LF, Cabezudo JM, FernandezPortales I. 1999. Rapid spontaneous resolution of an acute extradural haematoma:case report. Br J Neurosurg;13:604-5.
7. Pang D, Horton JA, Herron JM, Wilberger JE Jr, Vries JK. 1983. Nonsurgical management of extradural hematomas in children. J Neurosurg ; 59:958-71.
8. Pozzati E, Tognetti F.1984. Spontaneous healing of extradural hematomas: report of four cases. Neurosurgery;14:724-7.
9. Weaver D, Pobereskin L, Jane JA.1981. Spontaneous resolution of epidural hematomas. Report of two cases. J Neurosurg;54:248-51.
10.Aoki N. Rapid resolution of acute epidural hematoma. 1988. Report of two cases. J Neurosurg;68:149-51.
11.Kuroiwa T, Tanabe H, Takatsuka H, Arai M, Sakai N, Nagasawa S, et al. 1993. Rapid spontaneous resolution of acute extradural and subdural hematomas. Case report. J Neurosurg;78:126-8.
12.Akagami R, Cochrane DD. 1999. Does it leak in or does it leak out. Pediatr Neurosurg 1999;30:109-10.
13.Malek AM, Barnett FH, Schwartz MS, Scott RM.1997. Spontaneous rapid resolution of an epidural hematoma associated with an overlying skull fracture and subgaleal hematoma in a 17-month-old child. Pediatr Neurosurg 1997;26:160-5.
14.Servadei F, Staffa G, Pozzati E, Piazza G. 1989. Rapid spontaneous disappearance of an acute extradural hematoma: case report.J Trauma;29:880-2.
15.Sato S, Suzuki J. 1975. Ultrastructural observations of the capsule of chronic subdural hematoma in various clinical stages. J Neurosurg;43: 569-78.
16.Chan KH, Mann KS, Yue CP, Fan YW, Cheung M. 1990. The significance of skull fracture in acute traumatic intracranial hematomas in adolescents: a prospective study. J Neurosurg 1990;72:189-94
Cara Mengutip
Rohadi, R., & Wahyuhadi, J. (2017). RAPID RESOLUTION OF ACUTE EPIDURAL HEMATOMA. Baphomet University : Situs Slot Online Gacor Terbaik Hari Ini Server Thailand Gampang Maxwin 2024, 3(4). https://doi.org/10.29303/jku.v3i4.100
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