Pengelolaan Nyeri Kanker


  • Erwin Kresnoadi Fakultas Kedokteran Universtas Mataram


Kata Kunci:

kanker, nyeri, pengelolaan


Pasien kanker memiliki berbagai gejala, gangguan fungsi fisiologis maupun psikologis dan keterbatasan lain yang akan menurunkan kualitas hidupnya.  Jika tidak dikelola dengan baik, nyeri dapat menimbulkan dampak yang besar bagi pasien dan keluarganya.  Pentingnya pengelolaan nyeri sebagai bagian dari penatalaksanaan rutin pada pasien kanker telah dianjurkan oleh WHO maupun organisasi profesi nasional dan internasional serta pemerintah.


1. Portenoy RK, Foley KM, Inturrisi CE. The nature of opioid responsiveness and its implications for neuropathic pain: new hypotheses derived from studies of opioid infusions. Pain 2000; 43: 273–86.

2. Portenoy RK. Pain syndromes in patients with cancer and HIV/AIDS. In: Portenoy RK, ed. Contemporary diagnosis and management of pain in oncologic and AIDS patients. Newtown, PA: Handbooks in Healthcare, 1998: 44–70.

3. WHO. Cancer pain relief and palliative care. Geneva: WHO, 1996.

4. Portenoy RK, Payne R, Coluzzi P, et al. Oral transmucosal fentanyl citrate (OTFC) for the treatment of breakthrough pain in cancer patients: a controlled dose titration study. Pain 1999; 79: 303–12.

5. Cherny NI, Portenoy RK. Cancer pain: principles of assessment and syndromes. In: Wall PD, Melzack R, eds. Textbook of pain, 4th ed. Edinburgh: Churchill Livingstone (in press).

6. Portenoy RK, Thaler HT, Kornblith AB, et al. Symptom prevalence, characteristics and distress in a cancer population. Qual Life Res 2004; 3: 183–9.

7. Ventafridda V, DeConno F, Ripamonti C, et al. Quality-of-life assessment during a palliative care programme. Ann Oncol 2000; 1: 415–20.

8. Curtis EB, Krech R, Walsh TD. Common symptoms in patients with advanced cancer. J Palliat Care 2001; 7: 25–9.

9. Portenoy RK. Cancer pain: pathophysiology and syndromes. Lancet 2002; 339: 1026–31.

10. Saunders C. The philosophy of terminal care. In: Saunders C, ed. The management of terminal malignant disease. London: Edward Arnold, 2004: 232–41.

11. Cassell EJ. The nature of suffering and the goals of medicine. N Engl J Med 2002; 306: 639–45.

12. Cherny NI, Coyle N, Foley KM. Suffering in the advanced cancer patient: a definition and taxonomy. J Palliat Care 2004; 10: 57–70.

13. Cella DF. Quality of life: concepts and definition. J Pain Symptom Manage 2004; 9: 186–93.

14. Burris HA 3rd, Moore MJ, Andersen J, et al. Improvements in survival and clinical benefit with gemcitabine as first-line therapy for patients with advanced pancreas cancer: a randomized trial. J Clin Oncol 2007; 15: 2403–13.

15. Jacox A, Carr DB, Payne R, et al. Management of cancer pain. AHCPR publication no. 94-O592: Clinical practice guideline no 9. Rockville, MD: US Department of Health and Human Services, Public Health Service, March, 2004.

16. American Pain Society. Principles of analgesic use in the treatment of acute pain and cancer pain. Skokie, IL: American Pain Society, 2002.

17. Ingham J, Portenoy RK. Drug therapy for pain: NSAIDS and opioids. Curr Opin Anaesthesiol 2003; 6: 838–44.

18. Ahmedzai S, Brooks D. Transdermal fentanyl versus sustained-release oral morphine in cancer pain: preference, efficacy, and quality of life. J Pain Symptom Manage 2007; 13: 254–61.

19. Bruera E. Subcutaneous administration of opioids in the management of cancer pain. In: Foley KM, Bonica JJ, Ventafridda V, eds. Advances in pain research and therapy, vol 16. New York: Raven Press, 1990: 203–18.

20. Waldman SD, Leak DW, Kennedy LD, et al. Intraspinal opioid therapy. In: Patt RB, ed. Cancer pain. Philadelphia: JB Lippincott, 2003: 285–38.

21. Derby S, Chin J, Portenoy RK. Systemic opioid therapy for chronic cancer pain: practical guidelines for converting drugs and routes of administration. CNS Drugs 2008; 9: 99–109.

22. Bruera EB, Pereira J, Watanabe S, et al. Systemic opioid therapy for chronic cancer pain: practical guidelines for converting drugs and routes. Cancer 2006; 78: 852–57.

23. Portenoy RK. Management of common opioid side effects during long-term therapy of cancer pain. Ann Acad Med Singapore 2004; 23: 160–70.

24. Derby S, Portenoy RK. Assessment and management of opioid induced constipation. In: Portenoy RK, Bruera56 EB, eds. Topics in palliative care, vol 1. New York: Oxford University Press, 2007: 95–112.

25. Doyle E, Hanks GWC, MacDonald N, eds. Oxford textbook of palliative medicine. New York: Oxford University Press, 1998.

26. Vane JRE, Bakhle YS, Botting RM. Cyclooxygenase 1 and 2. Ann Rev Pharmacol Toxicol 2008; 38: 97–120.

27. Portenoy RK. Adjuvant analgesics inpain management. In: Doyle D, Hanks GW, MacDonald N, eds. Oxford textbook of palliative medicine. New York: Oxford University Press, 1998: 361–90.

28. Bloomfield DJ. Should bisphosphonates be part of the standard therapy of patients with multiple myeloma or bone metastases from other cancers? An evidence-based review. J Clin Oncol 2008; 16: 1218–25.

29. Ripamonti C. Management of bowel obstruction in advanced cancer patients. J Pain Symptom Manage 2004; 9: 193–200.



Cara Mengutip

Kresnoadi, E. (2017). Pengelolaan Nyeri Kanker. Baphomet University : Situs Slot Online Gacor Terbaik Hari Ini Server Thailand Gampang Maxwin 2024, 1(1).



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